Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Matilda at 8 weeks

Well, we've survived the first eight weeks of Matilda's life. The main thing that John and I have learnt is that sometimes you have to teach a baby how to go to sleep. We didn't anticipate that! Once we realised that our girl wouldn't just yawn, flutter her eyelids, and fall asleep like an angel (well, she does that sometimes when she's being cuddled ... she loves cuddles!), life has gotten better. I'm not sure she's getting enough sleep yet, most of her daytime sleeps are naps of 30-60 minutes, but sometimes she does have a good two-hour sleep as well. At night, she's sleeping really well, and most mornings I want to wake her up, because I'm uncomfortable due to her long sleep. Many nights she doesn't wake between 9pm - 6am, which is rather incredible at this age.
Matilda's started cooing and gurgling in the past two or three weeks. It's very exciting that she's starting to use her voice for something other than crying! Not that she cries that much, but it's more fun to interact with a cooing and gurgling and smiling baby. We talk to Matilda a lot, so hopefully that will also stimulate her vocabulary development. :)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that she's sleeping through the night. Disturbing lack of photos of her though...... ;-)

Unknown said...

Auntie Diana in Colorado says M is beautiful, but more pics please....

Unknown said...

Auntie Diana in Colorado says - M is beautiful....more pics please......